Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hoping for Snow!

Hello, my friends!
I knew you would come back!

I finished school for the day about half an hour ago
and now I'm almost done with my homework.I usually
have 2 days to do my homework because I have a subject
(Example:Math)on one day and then I would have a different
subject(Example:Social Studies)on the next day but at the same time.
Complicated?I know.

I decided to do ALL MY HOMEWORK because there is supposed
to be a snow day tomorrow and I don't want to be spending a perfectly
fun day sitting around and doing homework-I want to be playing panfu!
This is a picture taken from a previous gold-panda day in late 2010.

I REALLY WANT IT TO BE A SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you want? Tell me in the comments below!

TTFN! (Ta Ta For Now)

Monday, January 10, 2011

My New Account

Hello my Darling Pandas!

I have a new account her name is:


I made a new account because when I joined, you weren't
allowed to choose some clothes before you started.
Unfair right? I'll still be using my sugerfirst account too.

That's all for now!!!