Friday, January 7, 2011


This is what happened today in panfu:

  1. I went to the salon and booked an appointment for 11:40AM-it was 11:30AM at the time.
    I went and sat down on the long salon chair as I was instructed so that I could get my nails done. I started typing on my blog but then when I came back there was an angry worker who was shouting at me which color nails I wanted!I told him that my appointment was still in another 6 minutes, but he just yelled DONE and demanded 20 dollars!I payed him the money(I regretted it) and looked down at my nails and they were HORRIBLE!He had chipped them and they were a yukky brown/orange color!YUCK!
  2. I went home to cool off and rearrange my furniture.
  3. Then I went back to the salon to redo the mysterious call quest.(Luckily the worker's shift ended and he went away)
  4. I went to Chez Bruno to have a bite to eat
 I hope your day was spectacular!

Be AWESOME, my darling pandas!

Aah, The Start of a New Day!

Hey pandas!

Do you ever get up in the morning and sigh, stretch out a bit and
just, well, smile?That's how I felt this morning! I get a kind of tingly
feeling in my heart and I feel nice and warm. :)

Today we had(have) a snow day! We didn't go to school because
there was too much ice and snow on the roads so people couldn't
get to school, especially my P.E. teacher(she lives miles away)!
I'm so happy and I hope I'll have some time to play on panfu!

Be GREAT Pandas!

(: From Your Panda Friend :)